The nicest thing I ever heard

Yesterday at the municipality’s business festival (which I believe has the best location in Sweden, Norrvikens trädgårdar), I ran in to an old acquaintance and former board colleague. We talked about the years that passed and how the kids are getting older, but that I don’t think Sam is ready to move out. Then she…


From time to time we hear that young people are lazy and don’t respect the “elderly”. Well, let me tell you something – you “elderly people”. Be a freaking good role model! If you are not, do not even start to think about complaining about the kids. I notice that when kids search for summer…

I knew it

Don’t you just love those people who, presented with the correct answer, blurts out: “I knew it!”. I remember myself doing this at the last day of school when the class had a quiz. Every time it was my turn I said those words, very happy and probably somewhat frustrated. And the parents (including my…

Getting there

My coaching has been tough, still is tough. But little by little I’m starting to get “there”. To a place I feel comfortable being in, comfortable to start from. On my journey I have (and probably still will) challenged so many of my and contemporary truths about life. I still have things to figure out,…

Being a mum (parent)

Facebook reminded me about a memory. Today 11 years ago Fabian and I had one of our recurrent FFFs – Friday Fika with Fabian. Maybe it was these weekly visitis to the different cafés in the area that lay the foundation for today’s relationship. Still, much of my time is spent on being the housekeeper…


Working with change over the years, I have run into the model Four rooms of change. This model was developed by the Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen as part of his research on the dynamics of change. The four rooms – or psychological states of mind – are Contentment, Self-censorship (denial), Confusion-Conflict and Inspiration-Renewal. In my self…

Cherry blossom

My absolute favourite time of year. Spring. When the cherry trees blossom. LOVE IT. I have some kind of obsession that I must photograph them E.V.E.R.Y year. Well it’s done now. But knowing myself I will be out there again soon.

Like conditioner for the soul

The heading is a straight translation from Swedish, I have now idea if there is something more correct in English. But this is what my Friday morning has been all about. After our 6:00 am Friday morning routine at the gym, it was time for an author event at our local book store. Our local…


It’s hard. Changing. Or no. Or yes. I guess, what I mean is that some things are hard, while others are not. For me I have no trouble to see what and how I need to change, nor do I have a problem with the actual change and adaption of myself. That’s rather easy. While…

It was a happy Easter

For sure it was. First of all the weather. Finally some warmth. March has been grey, rainy and cold. I think it rained every day in March. Then the time off. Since the Mr changed to day-job he was off the whole Easter, otherwise it was every other and on the other I didn’t do…

The good girl

My coaching has given me things to think about and it is not 100% pleasant. It is not that I realize that I’m an asshole, but more spoken truths that sit hard and are a challenge to change. But once I have detected and become aware of them, I can also start to think differently…

In the zone

I’m currently in the zone to finalize my book script that I’m sending to professional reader Sunday. That’s why I’m so bad at updating the blog. As soon as I’m out of this. I will be back.

We did something right

What your children are, is never only one thing and what they become is determined by so many different things. In our society today, we do not need more things to compare, and children should never be up for comparison. They just are. When your (on paper) grown-up son who still lives at home sends…

On the way forward

Isn’t strange how, when you start looking, you start seeing… Do I make sense? During our first session, my coach told me that creativity feeds creativity. When you allow yourself, when you take time to start thinking about things, thoughts and ideas just keeps on coming. Yesterday a creative friend of mine brought me along…

Continuously learning

As I mentioned a while back I currently have the need of exploring and this led me to contacting a coach. It’s not my first time around, I have done this at different times . I, to be quite honest, thought I had learnt all there is to learn about myself and that there is…

My kind of content

As a communicator content has become the far most important thing since social media broke through. Personally, I often find the content I get in touch with to be so boring, irrelevant and has always just the one aim, to sell, sell sell. I know that the economical system is what it is and we…

A walk in a park

Friends Saturday I arranged for a catch-up with friends. Lovely spring weather, with icy winds, that magically disappeared as we sat our foot in the nature reserve, Jällabjär. 100-150 million years ago, in the era of dinosaurs this area was volcanic, today the only trace after the volcano is a 50 m tall hill which…

My biggest asset

When it come to my biggest personal physical (?) asset the other day reminded me that it is – my brain. Naturally, I don’t really recognize or celebrate it enough, as I believe that everybody has this ability. Which you don’t and I sort of pity you. All jokes aside, I do like, appreciate and…

Satisfactory deluxe

In April two years ago, the Mr, the much better and smarter one of us, was very resolute that we should install solar panels. I was hesitant at first (due to the cost), but “caved in”. Naturally, with the ongoing energy crisis, it was a smart investment. It, together with the fixed price offer he…

New fav day

Since the Mr started his day job, my favourite day of the week is Wednesdays. First of all, he usually works from home that day. This means that the two of us can cook together (or I don’t have to be alone with this godforsaken chore, cooking it tears the life out of me) and…

The embodiment of double standard

Some posts ago I wrote about how good I am with change. Some time ago I also wrote about how the Mr and I changed banks. Now, if I truly am as good with change as I claim, then I wouldn’t mind changing banks now would I? It’s the end of the month and that…

Mid day break

The mid day break we Swedes call a fika. Today, as it’s Shrove Tuesday, the fika becomes more luxurious than ever, we enjoy it with a semla. I doubled the luxury and had one with the youngest. To top it off we watch an episode of one of our favourites Modern Family, the one with…

New season is on

Two weeks back the training matches started for F. I have promised both him and myself to take more pictures this year. It’s fun, because the boys apparently likes it and I often get the question if the camera will join.

The embodiment of change

I’ve been working with change for some time now, overall change management as well as communication. I don’t know if this is what made me good to handle change, or if it is my personal way of approaching and view change that makes me good at change management. Probably a combination Anyhow, I have always…

Dazzled by my own awesomeness

It’s great that there people out there who can remind you (me) of how fantastic you (I) are (am). Today, I had my first meeting with my coach, who I contacted because I felt need to explore my life. In 35 minutes I was reminded of my thinking and approach I had, when I left…

Death as a constant companion

During the last weeks we’ve been reminded that life is not forever. Buddy Boy is getting older and some days life seems to move faster towards its end. We’ve decided that we shouldn’t wait until he’s really bad, but still it’s so hard to understand when that is. Until then, we enjoy life.

Who gives a sh..

I’m not saying things are not important. But still I’m amazed how so many people can gather and create movement around “unimportant” job related things or making total useless content for social media (like this post), while we at the same time are not able to make changes that are really important for our survival.

Banks and bulls, why I don’t like to become old

I don’t have a problem with getting old physically… now that’s a lie! I hate that too, but do my best to “stop Olle at the gate”*. But one thing I do see deteriorating already now, is my ability to keep up with things mentally. The Mr and I just changed banks to get a…

What I love

One thing that I love is my me time. I have understood that I don’t need it as much as I used to, during the weeks. But i love the fact that the Mr is involved in academy football at a elite football club. That demands him to be away a lot during the season….

Next step

I’m at a point in my life, where I feel its necessary for me to explore. Explore my current situation and my future. When I hear the word searcher, the image that pops up in my mind is someone irresolute (usually a young female), who that ends up in a Hare Krishna community with a…

A good day

Today is a good day. Today as well. And it’s not even over. Started at the gym, with the 6 am club. Don’t you just hate it. I did. These people who exercise. IN THE MORNING! Dog walk, meeting with architect (we are planning an extension), some YinYoga and to top it off fika with…

One of those moments

Today I experienced total fulfillment. One of those moments when life is complete. A moment which, if you are aware, defines happiness. It’s these moments I strive for. Sam and I was talking while walking the dogs and I asked him what he wanted out of life. He answered me so wise, so adult. We…

To be needed

The biggest sorrow for us as a parents, is when we have succeeded in creating independent people of our children. When they were two and you couldn’t move a step before they cried to be with you/on you, maybe happiness wasn’t always the prominent feeling. But now when they are nineteen, I love the fact…

How a mother knows

Two times in half a week, I’ve been able to tell there was something going on, just by looking at my boys (to other peoples defense, my children are the worst liars). But it’s nice to know that we are that connected and that they trust me to be honest once I ask.

Edit: Summarizing 2022

Was told that my proudest moment 2022 wasn’t the goal Fabian did. Apparently it’s not. Apparently it is that the Mr, as assistant coach took (with his coaching partners) his team to national final for boys born 2006. Yes, that’s something to be very proud of. And I would have been if they won. The…


I’m a one woman company. I am my company. I am my brand. There are many of us out there. What I can’t understand is why you are not open with it. I react to is when one-person companies use plural personal pronouns, as “we” and “us” when talking about themselves. Why? Another thing I…

Summarizing 2022

This is so fun, why haven’t I done this every year? Best: Fabian’s and my trip to Paris, Sam getting his driver’s license and his job.Nicest (and surprisingly so): The 6 am sessions at the gymMost unexpected: Dad talking football at Christmas, showing he had watched (at least) one game during the world championship and was…

Just a reminder

Now when people post their most sparkling family portraits on social media. Remember this. It could be a true reflection of a truly blissful life or it’s a more or less staged moment seconds from chaos.

From us all to you all

So it’s here, Christmas. Yesterday was spent with my parents just because we want to be home and safe on Christmas Eve and not stressing, something we deciderat long before we had children. I wish all a safe and good Christmas and for 2023 I hope for more common sense with everyone everywhere. We’re now…

Only five to go

Today is Fabian’s last day of the term/semester. Only five more to go then he too, is out of school. Can’t be reminded often enough how fast life goes. Yesterday was our annual Christmas cooking eve. For years we have forced the boys to be present in the traditional meatball making, now I think they…

Winter’s coming

This post I should have written a week ago. Now winter is here and according to the weather reports gone by Monday. It would have been great with a white Christmas. Today it was -18 C when Sam drove from work around 7 am. When walking Tesla (yes, with my studs) it was only -15…

That old!

For years I’ve been telling myself to get winter shoes with studs. Yes, that’s how old I am. When you’re living in a town built on the base of a ridge you need studs during the winter. Especially if you have this. I’ve been looking at one Swedish brand “Ice-bug“, but then I ran into…

No wonder people get stressed

I went to the my client’s office a while back. It doesn’t happen often. Thank God Covid19 taught us to work from a distance. One of the reasons I don’t visit the office is that the team I work with the most doesn’t sit there. Thereto it’s 1,5 hrs away (train or car) from my…

Sorry & thanks

Not that it matters, but lately I haven’t had time to share my small reflection in this blog. No, it doesn’t matter for the bigger parts of the world and world order. But I know regularity is important at least for algoritms. And I’m sure that also WordPress work with those. And in regards to…

And then there was light

I used to be a yoga person. As in practicing yoga regularly. That is once a week at yoga class. Maybe I have done an odd sun salutation at home, but that’s it. Not drinking no tasting tea, traveling to silent retreats or eating ginger. But I have done my yoga for years, now lately…

A weekend without botox or fillers

Just returned from a weekend with friends from high- and elementary school. We went to different exhibitions (among our wedding photographer Pontus Höök’s) and my friend bought a food mixer from the 70’s. We’ve been pampered in absurdity by our hostess, who really would beat Monica (F.R.I.E.N.D.S) and I haven’t driven as much in years…

Winter came

From +15 to -2 C in a week . Yesterday was a beautiful cold day. Today I woke up to a winter wonderland. I love snow. Hate to drive in it. But I got to the gym (and back). And today the Mr will return from Rome. Tomorrow it will probably all gone.

Have you ever heard?!

Looking around I see people that are so stressed. I must admit that I don’t see them that often anymore and this is probably a combo of 1) I don’t read (or interact) that much with others and 2) I and friends are in a different stage in life, were we simply have less things…

What do you do?

As I told you about a while back, the Mr has gotten himself a day job. Working shift is nothing but a memory. This means however, that we have a lot more time together. I’m “always” bragging about our relationship, which celebrates 30 years next summer. In hindsight, I’d say that one of the contributing…