Physical & mental movement

We hear it almost daily, that our kids (and many adults) don’t get enough exercise on a daily basis leading to all sort of negative things. Many times before, I have proudly told you (yes, bragged), what an outstanding person I am, who not only exercise regularly but I do it so very early in…

Bye bye 2023 – act I

It’s getting closer, the end. The end of 2023. What better way to round it up than to do some reflections. My most significant achievements and accomplishments this year? Yes, I’m one of them. One who has written goals and to-do lists (of feel like it lists as I call it nowadays) both for professional…


I’m actually lost for words trying to describe what these lovely ladies mean to me. But I know they understand so I leave it at that. Thanks for a lovely weekend 😍

How tragic

One of the few “influencers” I follow and who’s content I actually take in (partly, not the beauty tips as I’m not interested) is Louise Lundberg. Her newsletter shares good content on “what’s happening out there”, content that makes me feel more “in the loop”. This week she tipped us followers of this short documentary…

The outcome

I promised you to tell you the outcome of my coaching process as well. Naturally it is very personal and nothing that can or should be applied to anyone else. As described previously I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting from the coaching when I contacted my coach, but as our first meeting got…

Vacation time

We are at the time of year when Swedes go on their holiday or vacation as Americans’ say. According to the newspaper Dagens Industri the most popular weeks for holiday leave are the weeks 29, 30 and 31, which this year corresponds to the period 17 July – 6 August. This probably because July and…

Listen very carefully…

… I shall only say this once. Getting up early in the morning, I mean SUPER early (05.15 am) to be at the gym to be ready with your workout before 7.00 am, is the best thing ever. It IS! I promise you it is. After being away for a week not doing much of…

My coaching process

My process probably wasn’t much different than anyone else’s. Maybe you get what you give during a coaching period, meaning it doesn’t really matter how much time you spend, you will still get answers out of it. As I’m in-between assignments right now, I gave it all. And boy what a ride I got. I…

Expectations of coaching?

To be totally honest with you, when contacting Linnea and Happy Business I didn’t really know why I did it or what I wanted to get out from the coaching. When I read the message I sent her, it was more a “I currently find myself at a time where I believe it would be…

Why coaching?

Is coaching for everyone? I’m sure it is, if you want to be coached. As a freedom fighter (you will see) like me, coaching is a better process to mentoring. As mentoring is more providing answers while sharing knowledge and experience, while coaching is being asked questions that I get to answer my self. Already…

Another whim

Remember that about the cherry blossom, that I need to take pictures of them every year. I have another whim connected to flowers and that is that I need to smell, no not smell, inhale the scent of lilacs. Every year when the lilacs blossom I need to inhale the scent in a moment of…

Getting there

My coaching has been tough, still is tough. But little by little I’m starting to get “there”. To a place I feel comfortable being in, comfortable to start from. On my journey I have (and probably still will) challenged so many of my and contemporary truths about life. I still have things to figure out,…


Working with change over the years, I have run into the model Four rooms of change. This model was developed by the Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen as part of his research on the dynamics of change. The four rooms – or psychological states of mind – are Contentment, Self-censorship (denial), Confusion-Conflict and Inspiration-Renewal. In my self…

A walk in a park

Friends Saturday I arranged for a catch-up with friends. Lovely spring weather, with icy winds, that magically disappeared as we sat our foot in the nature reserve, Jällabjär. 100-150 million years ago, in the era of dinosaurs this area was volcanic, today the only trace after the volcano is a 50 m tall hill which…

New fav day

Since the Mr started his day job, my favourite day of the week is Wednesdays. First of all, he usually works from home that day. This means that the two of us can cook together (or I don’t have to be alone with this godforsaken chore, cooking it tears the life out of me) and…

The embodiment of change

I’ve been working with change for some time now, overall change management as well as communication. I don’t know if this is what made me good to handle change, or if it is my personal way of approaching and view change that makes me good at change management. Probably a combination Anyhow, I have always…

Next step

I’m at a point in my life, where I feel its necessary for me to explore. Explore my current situation and my future. When I hear the word searcher, the image that pops up in my mind is someone irresolute (usually a young female), who that ends up in a Hare Krishna community with a…

Winter’s coming

This post I should have written a week ago. Now winter is here and according to the weather reports gone by Monday. It would have been great with a white Christmas. Today it was -18 C when Sam drove from work around 7 am. When walking Tesla (yes, with my studs) it was only -15…

That old!

For years I’ve been telling myself to get winter shoes with studs. Yes, that’s how old I am. When you’re living in a town built on the base of a ridge you need studs during the winter. Especially if you have this. I’ve been looking at one Swedish brand “Ice-bug“, but then I ran into…

What do you do?

As I told you about a while back, the Mr has gotten himself a day job. Working shift is nothing but a memory. This means however, that we have a lot more time together. I’m “always” bragging about our relationship, which celebrates 30 years next summer. In hindsight, I’d say that one of the contributing…

Is it time?

Some time back, I downloaded all my content from Facebook and Instagram and promised myself to stop posting (or at least limit my no. of posts) and so I did. For Facebook I only shared old content or content from others, nothing personal. On Instagram I went from posting almost daily (back in the days…


A question for the ladies. Do you get more evil than usual closer to your period? I don’t mean angry and irritated. I mean mean. Mean as in: “I really couldn’t care less if tears are brought to your eyes by my comments, I actually want you to be hurt you large pile of excrement….

Will not!

Yesterday I heard Fabian coughing… again. He later complained about a soar throat. And then some more coughing. Last week the whole family was well after four weeks of cold from one to another and now we are back at it. I almost panicked when I heard the coughing. I will not WILL NOT be…

I’m one of them

Not in, say… a million years. I thought I’d be one. One of them. I actually used to loath them somewhat. Those people. The people who are done with their exercise before 7.00 am . But now I am. One of those who are standing “ready to go” (here I’m slightly exaggerating) at 5.50 am….

The joy of a painless tricep dip

I’ve always been active. Never with the intent to become the best in anything, just better and to be active. There were some years when the kids where smaller and when I didn’t prioritize movement. But I jogged/lumbered 3- 4 km a couple of times a week. This was the time when I did first…

Next step

For a good 1.5 to two years I have been living  the “easy life”, meaning no new goals or challenges (yes, since I am one of those who just loves a good challenge…). I’ve been very content where I am and where my life is. I have had (and still have) a good assignment, good clients,…


We are currently doing nothing. Except waking up early as F is at day camp for his soccer club (and we don’t dare to leave the wake-up to him self…). But apart from that we don’t do ANYTHING and I love it. A new acquaintance made me aware that this is a talent not everyone…

Vacay – trip 1

Me and Fabian fabulous took the first trip of this vacation together with friends of ours (also mother and son). We spend 2.5 days at beautiful Österlen. Sigh. Thanks to other friends the trip could be spent in a very nice cabin (the kind I would choose if I would have one. For all of…

If I only

If I only were like these friends. They who, when I wish them happy travels and complained about my cold, delivers a fresh garden bouquet within minutes. I am not like that. I’m not even close to that level of consideration. But happy that I’ve got friends that are. Highly appreciated.    


Today I’m happier, especially when I don’t think about yesterday and when thinking of the Sam who passed his exam to his red belt in taekwondo. Proud! Of course.

Right direction

I claim I’m going in the right direction when my PT brings a vest with 10 kg extra for me to wear during my session. BOOM! It also brings some secret service feel, which in turn brings some extraordinare glamour to my life, something I appreciate. With the result to be absolutely exhausted. Struggeling to keep my arms…

Why folks?! Why?

The other day a conversation with a friend raised the question “Why do people ask questions that is really none of their business? And the answer is simple. They are stupid. We all are. Some more than others, others in a different way. But we are all stupid. Our inability to see things from the…

4 a.m ADHD

Out of respect for the people that have one, I truly don’t think I have a diagnose. Instead I think I’m like most people, who most probably have structures of character that to some extent resembles  (but not in any way equals the full spectra of) a diagnose (and I have them all…). But if what…


Since September I’m back with my FABULOUS PT Jessica. I missed both her and what the result of her rehab (shoulder that’s been bothering me for years) and training did to me, my body and my mind. When I started this spring I got totally silent after say 15 minutes into the session. After that…

Path to happiness

There are several paths to happiness. One is through food and at lunchtime it’s called omelett. OMG! Soon 42 years old and I haven’t gotten it until now. I have always, since I was a child hated eggs. I watched with fascination my father eating his boiled breakfast egg. He beheaded it with his butter knife and it…


It has been a while. A little more than a week since the upcoming presence of Jessica (my PT) raised my anxiety during the morning walk with the dog. But today she was here again and it was up for some more moves in the garden. I was close to tears when she cheered me…

New beginnings

Hmmm, one always says (one as a general, vague and unidentified person) it is hard to find new friends as you get old(er). What a load of bullshit. I’m just realizing that I have, in a very short time, found some new friends. Smart, open, women. Ready to give and ready to be around. That’s freaking amazing….

The best thing ever

Is of course my husband and kiddos. But shortly behind family comes, at the moment, Jessica. Jessica is a (my) personal trainer who (can) comes to your home and make you train. If/When necessary she could probably pull you by your hair from the couch (no extra charge). For two years I’ve been a blob. I just…

And the fab ones afterwards

When my fantastic PT (Jessica at Pure Living) has left, it is the best of minutes. I am tired like a graveyard, but feel fab. And realize how weak my upper body is, it is amazing that I can walk upright.

The trembling minutes

Before my PT arrives is just filled will agony and anxiety. I know it is going to be tough and I just want to get it over and done with… It actually looks a little like this (me doing all of below movements at the same time):

The second cup of coffee

The second cup of coffee during breakfast, when the kids are off to school, when the house is complete silent. That’s the best one. A slow start today. The ones I need from time to time, just to remember what life really is about.


Currently I am quite low on my “best people in the world”-list and I usually top that one. BUT at today’s session (session 2) with my fab PT Jessica at Pure Living I learnt the hard way about the importance of “snacks”. Snacks as the in-between meals meal one (I) need if I’m about to exercise. Now,…

The amazing feeling of being debt free

To pay our bills and become debt free, is such as tremendous good feeling for me. There are some extra expenses now with the new house (or in the process of getting our new house). But now they to are paid and now I am ready to rock and roll again, i.e modest shopping, but…

Here they are

2/3 of my boys in da making. The boys father (both boys in case your were wondering-apparently some do…) is the best dad. As all parents (including myself even if they a minimum…) he has his flaws, but he is available. He won’t teach them how to build things, or fix cars but how to…

It is simple 

It is pretty simple. You like each other and you become friends. But friendship can change. There is no guarantee that one like one another after 25 years. Bring two husbands and four children into the pictures and there is a lot that doesn’t necessarily add up. Or it just does. Or maybe it is…

Just a number?

Watched (please don’t judge) “The millionaire matchmaker” yesterday. Mostly for an educational purpose, to show what kind of of partner the boys should and shouldn’t choose. But also because there’s NOTHING else to watch a Saturday night… Anyway, one of the male millionaires was 45. 5 minutes after my own mental reflection the Mr expressed…

Mother’s day

The scent of the Lillies of the valley standing on the kitchen table reach my anosmia and reminds me that they summer together with the last day of school IS here (even if the whether tells me differently). Yesterday (Swedish Mother’s day) was spent at my childhood home (most probably for the last time) as my…

Naturally beautiful

I have not always appreciated nature. By all means, nature has always been close to me or vice versa and I have always been part of it. But have I appreciated it? It might be so that as it has been such a natural part of my life I have taken it for granted. As a photographer…


Photography does wonders for my soul. I forget everything when I take pics. And how I love to use nature for my palette. Wonder why I do not do it more often. On my second instagram account, @signed_louise I focus more on photography as a creative expression and not so mucg as a visionary diary. There…