Bye bye 2023 – act I

It’s getting closer, the end. The end of 2023. What better way to round it up than to do some reflections.

My most significant achievements and accomplishments this year?
Yes, I’m one of them. One who has written goals and to-do lists (of feel like it lists as I call it nowadays) both for professional and personal goals. They encompass both high ones (publish a book and getting a green house) and low – edit images for an art project and buying new shoes.

2023 put some of my goals on pause (maybe they were removed as goals all together) and pushed others forward faster than expected. But my most significant one, was never on any to-do list. My most significant achievement and accomplishment was my ability to be calm also when life and (especially) revenue took a turn that I hadn’t experienced previously during my 10 years as self-employed.

The achievement and accomplishment was that I never let the fact that I didn’t have any earnings hinder me to prioritize my own development. I allowed myself to rest assure that the situation would resolve “by itself” and instead I allowed my self to reflect and evolve and finding new ways for my way forward. The accomplishment was not that the situation was resolved, but that I truly was calm, believed in the unknown and enjoyed the revenue void as a time of true freedom.

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