Bye bye 2023 – act III

The final reflection for 2023 I do through the question: What did I learn about myself in terms of values, priorities, and passions? 

My values have been grounded since 15-20 years back (probably longer, even if I wasn’t aware of them). I have talked about them previously, and I keep them even if I (wise from the outcome of
act II)
will be attentive that the responsibility one, can be affected by my honesty and therefore needs to closely monitored (but that is based on me, for you regular people – just take responsibility). But this is really who I am and probably why I react so badly and frequently nowadays, when there is so much hate, disrespect and lack of honesty around (at least it’s heavily exposed in the news).

Priorities – simple. This has also been with me for ages, and can be found i the pay-off of this blog. happiness. I will always prioritise my happiness. What that will mean practically will differ. But usually the family is always in the top three.

My passion. This is a hard one. I thought I had it figured out, but I haven’t. Looking at it as formulated in the question for this blog post, it gives room for interpretation that it can change. During my coaching process I stayed loooooong on this question and got the advice to listen to this podcast. From the woman that once spread the message that we all had to find our passion, Elizabeth Gilbert and her Big Magic, suddenly had a different take on this. So, I stay here in curiosity for a while longer.

What are your values and priorities and do you have a passion?

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