What we’ve done so far

During my husband’s vacation we have been to two concerts. Very happy we had the Swedish 80’s pop boy band Gyllene Tider prior to Coldplay’s. It would have been hard for any other concert to measure up to Coldplay. The Music of the Spheres Tour is AMAZING. But it was nice to have the boys join us for Gyllene Tider (we forced them, many of the band’s songs are iconic in Sweden and the boys know them well, but it is a concert for people in their 50’s and 60’s). But the venue was great an outside concert in fantastic summer’s evening. Coldplay was shared with friends in a sunny and very warm Gothenburg.

We’ve been to the movies, met with friends, secure firewood for the winter (last year we were too late and didn’t get any). The Mr has also built himself a outdoor kitchen island, with a self made concrete worktop (that part of the building process wasn’t this families finest).

Football practice has started again for F yesterday and today for the Mr and one month more to go and schools are back on. Time, this wierd phenomom.

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